Carlos Castaneda
- Starkey from Carmarthen, Wales - 29 Feb 1996 13:58:13 GMT (
If I was Carlos Castaneda , I'd tell the truth. That is that my books are all fiction.
- Who the fuck cares? from Stockholm, Sweden - 12 Mar 1996 05:22:20 GMT (
If I was Carlos Castaneda , I would... What the fuck; I am not, and I'll never wil be. So give it a rest you shit eating monkeys. Whatever you come up with is worth no more than the sick ideas a masturbating junkie would think of some night when he's unussually loaded. Buy, buy; and get a life!
- Josiane Guilloud from Genève, Suisse - 10 Mar 1996 18:42:24 GMT (
Si j'étais Carlos Castaneda , je serais dans un autre lieu cette nuit...
- Hugo Alonso from Austin tx, USA - 27 Feb 1996 08:26:38 GMT (
If I was Carlitos , I would go to San Luis Potosi, mex and live there!.
- Anonyme from Nowhere, World - 26 Feb 1996 05:02:08 GMT
Si j'étais Carlos Castaneda , je dormirais sur un hamac.
- Rob van der Galien from Amsterdam, Nederland - 21 Feb 1996 22:36:17 GMT (
If I was Carlos Castaneda , Then I looked for the best place on the globe. Because hearts are red it will be a warm place : some love shelter.
- Dima from Novosiborsk, Russia - 20 Feb 1996 08:46:04 GMT (
If I was Carlos Castaneda , I would like to fuck your...
- Jacques Schlesinger from Untersiggenthal, Suisse - 18 Feb 1996 11:11:50 GMT
Si j'étais Carlos Castaneda , j'irais au fond des choses. Je n'aime pas les mystères.
- Denis Proulx from Québec, Canada - 04 Jan 1996 12:56:51 GMT (
Si j'étais Carlos Castaneda , sans être un vieux sorcier yaki, j'aurais une belle visiononononononono. Et puis je m'en irais tout de suite au Mexique.
- Arkady Yudakhin from Moscow, Russia - 26 Dec 1995 12:15:58 GMT (
If I was Carlos Castaneda, I would be trip in Russia and organized the lectures.
- Peter Hellbom from Stockholm, Sweden - 23 Dec 1995 14:17:03 GMT (
If I was Carlos Castaneda, I'll turn into a cactus !
- Jésus Garcia from Hermosillo, Mexico - 19 Dec 1995 02:32:07 GMT (
If I was Carlos Castaneda, I'd get together all the people that have read his books and practiced his teachings, and help them out. And I'd teach some more so they become teachers of others.
- Anonyme de Paris, France - 11 Dec 1995 13:30:58 GMT
Si j'étais Carlos Castaneda, je trouverais don juan
- Eloah Franco de Freitas from Sao Paulo, Brasil - 09 Dec 1995 13:29:10 GMT
If I was Carlos Castaneda, Eu escreveria uma poesia
- Stefan Krauter from Berlin, Germany - 08 Dec 1995 11:00:24 GMT (
If I was Carlos Castaneda, ..Who is he ?.
- Ursula from Sao Paulo Brasil - 1 Dec 95 16:47:11 GMT (
If I was Carlos Castaneda, I would like to dream , I would like to travel with Don Juan
- Anonymous from Sao Paulo Brasil - 1 Dec 95 12:50:35 GMT
If I was Carlos Castaneda, I will sit no chao fumando um do bao - nesses tempos ja foi/foram minha infancia querida/tempos que nao voltam mais