
Exhibition "Code Nature"
Gallery Sainte-Réparate 06300 Nice

- from 17 january to 14 march 2007-

"TV France 3 NICE" du 20 février 2007

Bernard Demiaux manages to combine two worlds and solves the dilemma: how to be a scientist and an artist at the same time?
But, after all, isn't creativity part of a researcher's makeup. The imagination essential for major breakthroughs is teamed up with that required for aesthetic research. Away from the beaten track, light years from traditional process of pictorial creation, we discover digital images that have been created virtually and processed entirely on the basis of mathematical formulas. This unusual artist develops a world of shapes, volumes and imaginary objects made on the basis of a binary raster composed of 1 and 0 and sequenced in variations of colour as for a print. Besides he calls his creations "digital paintings". His recent research into nature compares the natural image with the binary raster, series of grasses in a graphic tangle, rough bark, foliage or clouds become simultaneously object and subject in this cross between science and art.
Bernard Demiaux navigates between two parallel worlds which end up touching in an imaginative space. The Saint Réparate Gallery is happy to start the year with a display of this remarkable work generated by the new technologies, perfectly mastered by a local artist whom we are happy to welcome to Nice.

André Barthe, Town of Nice, in charge of cultural affairs and recreational activities


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