
" Landscapes "
Let “Landscapes” bring Contemporary Art to Your Company

The artist Bernard Demiaux will create a “Landscape” especially for your company, an original work based on models of trees, leaves, grasses, bark, skies… taken from his digital plant collection.
“Landscape” is a work of art designed to be displayed in the entrance to your company building, in a meeting room or a hallway. It is a large digital picture and may also be produced in a limited edition of prints for your shareholders, important clients
or staff.

The basic “Landscape” offer includes :

- Design and production of an original work for your company, printing of the painting “Landscape” on a large canvas (100 x 162 cm)

- Production of eight signed and numbered “Landscape” prints on A3 art paper

- Permission granted for one year to print 400 copies on A5 card to be used for corporate events.

A quote for other sizes and more prints will be made on request.

Take advantage of recent legislation on cultural sponsorship
Legislation on cultural sponsorship (1 August 2003) offers attractive tax incentives for the purchase of works by living contemporary artists. The purchase of artworks entitles the company to a deduction from its taxable income. The works must be displayed in a place accessible to employees, clients and partners. The obligation to display the works to the public is restricted to the period of the depreciation of the goods (five years). The original works of living artists are not included in the
assessment for corporate tax.

Bernard Demiaux has used computers from the outset to produce surprising and attractive art works. As we gaze at them, time seems to be suspended and we wait for the rhythm of daily life to start up again. In his most recent work, the artist invents Landscapes on the basis of his digitisation
programs. He lets us discover a serene, soothing aspect of nature which carries us into another time dimension, through fragments of grasses, branches, bark and clouds that he has seen on his walks through the forests
of Normandy and California.

His objects refer to a timeless mythology:
rainbow snakes, Buddha vases, infinity rings, magic shells… fascinating objects with multiple curves suggesting erotic, harmonious moments. Following his own feelings and drawing on his favourite classical models - Matisse, Klee, Soto - Bernard looks for artistic meaning rather than technological performance.

He works with the time schema proper to the computer in deliberately slow technological time, a way of suspending time rather than accelerating it. To create the landscapes, he starts with fragments of drawings or photographs which he turns into shapes and colours with lines of code. These fragments are multiplied, enlarged, reduced and fitted together to make the finished work. His paintbrush is the computer program.

The digital landscapes are composed with a series of "0" and "1", the binary marks of information. They are produced as pictures, prints and DVDs in limited editions.

All Images and Site Content ©Copyright 2025 Bernard Demiaux - All Rights Reserved